Community Engagement FAQ

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Welcome to the Community Engagement FAQ page! This project page will be dedicated to providing an additional space for fun activities, sharing your voice, and updates on all things Focus River Falls. Visit the three project pages: Comprehensive Plan, Outdoor Recreation Plan, and Bike & Pedestrian Plan, to learn more about Focus River Falls process!

The Comprehensive Plan, Bike and Pedestrian Plan and The Outdoor Recreation Plan are now available to view on the project pages!

What is community engagement? The process of working collaboratively with groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people.

Why is it important?: Community engagement is a powerful process for bringing about environmental and behavioral changes that achieve long-term and sustainable outcomes, processes, relationships, discourse, decision-making, or implementation.

How will your feedback be used in the plans? Your feedback will be incorporated into shaping the three plans the City is in the process of updating collectively this initiative is called "Focus River Falls". There will be many opportunities throughout this process to share your voice, track the plans progress, review survey/activity results, provide suggestions to the drafted plan documents and more! Please check back frequently on and the City's Facebook page to stay up to date on the progress and opportunities to share your thoughts, participate in fun activities and win prizes!

Who is involved? This three-plan update is a community-wide effort. Along with you and the rest of the community's input, the process will be guided by the City's Community Development department, SRF consulting, each plan's steering committee and Common Council who will ultimately decide to adopt each plan for the City. See table for the representatives from each committee:

Focus River Falls Welcome Video:

Welcome to the Community Engagement FAQ page! This project page will be dedicated to providing an additional space for fun activities, sharing your voice, and updates on all things Focus River Falls. Visit the three project pages: Comprehensive Plan, Outdoor Recreation Plan, and Bike & Pedestrian Plan, to learn more about Focus River Falls process!

The Comprehensive Plan, Bike and Pedestrian Plan and The Outdoor Recreation Plan are now available to view on the project pages!

What is community engagement? The process of working collaboratively with groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people.

Why is it important?: Community engagement is a powerful process for bringing about environmental and behavioral changes that achieve long-term and sustainable outcomes, processes, relationships, discourse, decision-making, or implementation.

How will your feedback be used in the plans? Your feedback will be incorporated into shaping the three plans the City is in the process of updating collectively this initiative is called "Focus River Falls". There will be many opportunities throughout this process to share your voice, track the plans progress, review survey/activity results, provide suggestions to the drafted plan documents and more! Please check back frequently on and the City's Facebook page to stay up to date on the progress and opportunities to share your thoughts, participate in fun activities and win prizes!

Who is involved? This three-plan update is a community-wide effort. Along with you and the rest of the community's input, the process will be guided by the City's Community Development department, SRF consulting, each plan's steering committee and Common Council who will ultimately decide to adopt each plan for the City. See table for the representatives from each committee:

Focus River Falls Welcome Video:

Page last updated: 10 Apr 2023, 09:30 AM